• On-site testing for specific inflamation marker Serum Amyloid A (SAA)

  • 10 minute number results with optical Cube reader

  • Room temperature stable

  • Long shelf life stability

  • for Visual test - Result lines are visible to the eye

SAA-Chek (VIS) Kit (5 Test)

5, 10, or 15 Test Kit - Visual SAA (Serum Amyloid A)


Pipettor 10 µL

Re-usable 10 µL Pipetter for IgG & SAA Kits (included with Cube Readers) - Buy for IgG & SAA tests if not available from previous kit

Target Timer

Free Digital Timer to use for running Target tests

SAA-Chek (QNT) Kit (5 Test)

5, 10, or 15 Test Kit - Quantitative SAA (Serum Amyloid A) with Cube Reader


Equine Cube Reader + 3 IgG 10 kit + Adapter

IgG, SAA (Serum Amyloid A), or Progesterone Number Results in minutes


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