Key Features
The Cube Reader Plus is a small, but very sophisticated Machine which is programmed by test-specific Calibration Card. One Reader gives accurate numbers for the following tests:
Equine Immuno-Chek-G (Foal IgG)
Equine SAAChek (Serum Amyloid A)
Equine Quick P4 (Progesterone)
Canine Quick P4 (Progesterone)
Camelid Immuno-Chek-G (Camelid IgG)
The Cube Reader is a small, but very advanced on-site Diagnostic Machine which is programmed by a Kit and Lot-specific Calibration Card.
The SAME Cube Reader when paired with the Equine/Camelid Adapter can be used to obtain on-site digital number results for
▪ Immuno-chek IgG Foal IgG (Equine) + Calf / Cria IgG (various Camelid species)
▪ SAA-chek Serum Amyloid A (SAA)
▪ Quick P4 Equine Progesterone
The SAME Cube Reader when paired with the Canine Adapter can be used to obtain on-site digital number results for
▪ Quick P4 Canine Progesterone
The kits all have:
▪ 10 or 15 minute Number Results
▪ Room Temperature Stable
▪ Multiple 2+ Year Shelf Life
▪ Cost effective
The Test Cassette, which includes all the dry reagents, is positioned next to the Cube Reader using a special adapter.
The optical electronic sensors take multiple high resolution scans of the Test line intensities in order to get accurate results.
Using the Test line intensities and the mathematical information on the Calibration card, the Cube Reader calculates and displays the concentration.
The Cube Reader times the reaction for 10 or 15 minutes and saves the Last Reading.