Equine Quick P4 Progesterone Refill Kit (5 Test)

Equine Quick P4 Progesterone Refill Kit (5 Test)

5, 10, or 15 Test Kit - Quantitative Progesterone with Cube Reader (purchased previously)

Equine Quick P4 Progesterone Refill Kit 

Quick P4 Equine is the beginning of a Revolution in On-site Progesterone Analysis for Equines.

A Diagnostic Cube Reader Machine is programmed with sophisticated calculations (similar to those used in Automated Radio-Immuno Assay Machines).

√ Progesterone Numbers (ng/mL) for Equine Plasma in 15 minutes.

√ Room Temperature Stable

√ Shelf Life 1-2 yrs

√ Quick P4 measures only progesterone ( & NOT any synthetic progesterone Regumate).

√ Avoid excess Regumate Supplementation - by knowing the Progesterone

To maintain a healthy pregnancy, ~ 4+ ng/ml progesterone is required. Measuring progesterone helps determine where the mare is in her cycle and allows planning most effective reproductive program.

Knowing the progesterone number allows

√ Diagnosis of a functional or persistent corpus luteum (CL)

√ Effective use of prostaglandin or progesterone treatment

√ Monitoring the progesterone during pregnancy

For the ~ first 90 days of the pregnancy, progesterone is produced by the CL (corpus luteum) in the ovary. Later in the pregnancy progesterone is produced from the placenta.

Knowing Progesterone Number answers critical questions

Is the Mare cycling or where is she in her cycle?

What is adequate Progesterone to maintain the pregnancy?

*Data from MS Thesis, Swanand R. Sathe, Univ. IL, 2012



Kit Contents

RFID Calibration Card

5, 10, or 15 Test Cassettes

5, 10, or 15 pipettes

1 Push Buffer